НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА - РЕФЕРАТЫ - The capturing - (реферат)
The capturing - (реферат)
Дата добавления: март 2006г.
Here I offer one short English language example of my theological works. The Author is searching for possibility of MAKING THEM PUBLISHED or simply personal communication. If anyone would express INTEREST OF ANY KIND, please contact the Author on the following address: vvv Александр Голенков, Кострома, Титова 9 - 57. tel: 54 - 45 - 31 Alexander Golenkov, Kostroma, Titova 9 - 57, Russia 156023. --------------------------- + ---------------------------
v I ask very much to treat this work of mine very carefully, as a way to the writing if it was very difficult, and can be continued only with someone`s help. + = T H E C A P T U R I N G = * ------- * +
GE, applied in it. It`s also "breaking the words". There is no other way to de monstrate it most vividly. Practically, it`s DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. Not "English"; not "Russian"; NOT HUMAN AT ALL. (See in the Bible of "other tongues"…).
NOTE FOR THE TRANSLATION: Although, "PHYSICALLY" it had to be put into "shell" of certain national language, extracting the "MOST OF IT". For that matter, it is based in a very considerable ex tent on PLAYING OF RUSSIAN WORDS (begining with the very word "Capturing", and so on…). If it were written originally in English, it would do so too; - and IN SOME PLACES DOES - as you will see it below; - but basically, there were only two ways to translate it in English: Either to use some "CONVENTIO NAL" English set of words, but to lose the exactness of the IDEA STAN DING BEGIND, or to express it rather UNCONVENTIONALLY, but AS THE IDEA REQUIRES, passing it "ONE TO ONE" in a linguistic form. THE SECOND WAY IS PREFERRED HERE. Although these words may sound rather "bizzar" to an ordinary English speaker, one has to realise that, IN THE SENCE OF IDEA, those are VERY CATEGORICALLY EXACT THEOLOGICAL TERMS.
°°°°°°°±±±±±±ІІІІІЫЫЫЫ + ЫЫЫЫІІІІІ±±±±±±°°°°°°° Ъ----------------------------ї ¦ ¦ Shortest layout of my work ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ = THE CAPTURING = ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ("ЗАХВАТЫВАЮЩЕЕ") ¦ ¦ А----------------------------Щ
The "Capturing" is the NAME OF THE BEING (and not only the name of this work of mine /the other ways for translating this Russian word are: the "Breathtaking"; "Painstaking", "Exciting"; "CAPTURING THE ENTIRE AT TENTION"…/). And really: The very first question put forward in the "Captu ring" is: What does one need just to BE ? …
The answer is:
°±ІЫЮ 1. ) SOMETHING OF HIS OWN KIND (in the BEING WHICH ALREADY EXISTS), the relation to which is CONFLUENT *1. ¦ (The most vivid example: The c o m i n g i n t o t h i s b e i n g ¦ t h r u t h e c o n? f l u e n t l i n e o f c o n? g e n e r i c ¦ s u c? c e s s i o n, - as ANY AT ALL CREATURE DOES /Spectacularilly, ¦ but the English word "KIND" is "OF ONE KIND" to "KIN", meaning a KIND ¦ OF CON? GENERIC COMMUNITY…/). °±ІЫЮ 2. ) SOMETHING OF DIFFERING KIND (in the "neighbouring" part of the Being), the relation to which is SEPARATE. ¦ (This lets, back again, us most vividly to explain that well-known ¦ phenomenon, that ANY CREATURE, (new? )BORN IN THIS WORLD, AT CERTAIN ¦ POINT IN TIME is LEAVING HIS MATERNAL HOME (or, anyway, "HABITAT"), ¦ aspiring for the meeting with SOMETHING THE DIFFERING, to - having ¦ COLLIDFED ONESELF WITH the Differing - AQUIRE ONE`S OWN FACE; - as a ¦ "STAMP FROM THE FACE OF THE BEING", for: In the minute details of this ¦ Collision are - literally - being "forged out" the TRAITS OF HIS CARACTER [Latin word "natio" means, namely, "KIND"! ], and ¦ what is called PERSONALITY (Russian word for "personality" is coming ¦ from one root with "FACE"). ¦ ¦¦ Just look: Every nation of this world had aquired its charac ¦ ¦¦ teristic national traits (its "SHAPES" and "FORMS") only as a ¦ ¦¦ RESULT OF CERTAIN BATTLE in whiсh it had DIFFERED ITSELF ("SE ¦ ¦¦ PARATED") from all things around. ¦ And not only at the moment of that, but so ON: The peoples of this ¦ world are only searching pretexts for NEW COLLISIOUNS, for they need ¦ regullarily to "feed up" the entire of this "energetics of Being"… ¦ Ъ-----------Ю ).
¦ ¦with words" А----------------- [By the margins like this "¦" are marked the "examples in brackets", illustrating the Two Statements given above. ]
And so: 2. ) The STATE OF BEING SEPARATED and 1. ) The STATE OF BEING CONFLUENT are the two basic components of Being. Everythihg else is, in final analisys, coming down to them, and is nothing more as only THEIR COMBINATION. Correspondingly, the SUCCES IN SUCH BEING is belonging to those who KNOW THE ART OF COMBINING THE TWO, or, in other words, translating it all to the language of the above-mentioned Two Principles "SEPARATED" and "CONFLUENT", Й================================================================» ¦ 2. ) Who "knows how" IN TIME TO SHOW ONE`S JAWS TO THE OTHER; Ю-Ч-ї ¦ 1. ) Who "knows how" IN TIME to inter? COUPLE THE OTHER. Ю-------Ч-ґ И================================================================ј ¦ ЪВ